Dramatically Increase Your Income Without Increasing Staff!
Our Guarantee: More Income more profits
Face it, in many parts of the country, keeping your PTs or finding new ones is really tough. If you think the solution is to just see more patients, think again, that might just cause even more problems.
The solution is adding a niche, becoming a local expert and adding high value patients who are willing to step up and pay for the treatment plan that only you can provide to help resolve their pain and improve their quality of life.
With these new patients you can forget about the insurance company limitations, you just create a treatment package, charge what you want, and even help them pay by offering 3rd party financing when needed. It’s brilliant.

We Show You How!

Stimpod uses cutting-edge neuroscience to treat a wide variety of neuropathic and nociceptive pain conditions by helping to reset and restore nerve function. It offers substantial relief for a large chunk of your patient population, it’s pain-free and non-invasive.
Here’s an example of one of the niches that you can capitalize on. The ever-expanding, underserved patient population suffering with Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN). For years, these patients have been told by their PCP, endocrinologist, and neurologist that their only options are medications like Gabapentin, Lyrica, or Cymbalta to manage symptoms, but that they really didn’t offer anything to help the nerves.
With Stimpod, you can provide a treatment plan that actually helps restore nerve function—so you can offer hope for long-term relief to these deserving, frustrated patients who will not only be grateful, but they will step up and be willing to invest in a solution, to help improve their quality of life.
Why Stimpod?

Stimpod Is The Worlds First Non Invasive Pulsed Radio Frequency Treatment System
Designed For: Chronic Intractable Pain / Post-Surgical Pain / Post Traumatic Acute Pain / Pain Rehabilitation
Our Mantra...
The Best Way To Improve Practice Income Is To Improve Patient Outcome
Just Think Of The Benefits For Your Clinic!
- Happy patients spread the word: Our proven 8-week DPN protocol drives patient satisfaction, leading to consistent referrals and significant boosts to revenue so you can grow your practice, effectively and efficiently without the hassle of trying to figure it out on your own.
- Deliver Superior Patient Results: Help your patients experience lasting relief from other nerve issues including: Carpal tunnel, Radiculopathy, Bells Palsy, frozen shoulder, Sciatica, failed orthopedic surgery, urinary incontinence and more. We have the studies, the experience, the expertise and we show you the ropes. We train you and your staff and we’re only a Zoom away for clinical support when needed.
Introducing: Automated Marketing To Grow Your Practice And Expand Your Reach.
When you combine Stimpod with Physiofunnels, you’ll have access to multiple, ready to use, marketing/SEO/CRM automations designed to attract, sell and close these new patients. You’ll be cultivating your local market and positioning yourself as the “go-to local expert”—so you can expand your reach and increase revenue, month in and month out.

When you combine Stimpod with Physiofunnels, you’ll have access to multiple, ready to use, marketing/SEO/CRM automations designed to attract, sell and close these new patients. You’ll be cultivating your local market and positioning yourself as the “go-to local expert”—so you can expand your reach and increase revenue, month in and month out.
Our Guarantee: More Income, More Profits!
Some companies are all talk, but we put our money where our mouth is. We can help you finance it with ZERO DEPOSIT and low monthly payments! When you follow our process, we guarantee that you’ll collect at least $150,000 in the first 12 months, or we’ll buy back your Stimpods to make you whole.
We’ll answer your questions and get you on the team—so you can start improving patient outcomes and increasing your practice income without all the stress and growing pains.
The STIMPOD NMS460 is FDA cleared, and it complies with the essential requirements of the relevant European health, safety, and environmental protection legislation (CE-certified).